Welcome to yujinpan.github.io
Here are some projects to help us live or work.
Name | Description |
Hello Hero | Chat with your heroes. |
URL Editor for Safari | Easily view and edit various contents of the URL. |
JSON Tree for Safari | Display JSON Object tree for Safari. |
NoMedia for Safari | Block all images, medias for Safari. |
Learn English From Xinrong | Helps us review Xinrong video courses. |
Geo Format Convert | - |
Download GeoJSON areas | Supported multiple formats. |
Subscribes Transform | Supported JustMySocks to QuantumultX. |
Cashier Desk | Fully static localized Cashier. AppStore |
ChatGPT Web | ChatGPT web use Gemini. Built-in role play. |
Vue Components
Name | Description | Website |
el-select-tree | ElementUI's el-select combined with el-tree. | yujinpan.github.io/el-select-tree |
el-table-infinite-scroll | Infinite scroll for el-table. | yujinpan.github.io/el-table-infinite-scroll |
el-css-var | ElementUI CSS Variables. | yujinpan.github.io/el-css-var |
highlight-vue | highlight.js for vue component. | yujinpan.github.io/highlight-vue |
v-charts-x | Upgrade v-charts support echarts@5. | yujinpan.github.io/v-charts-x |
v-title | Tooltip for vue directive. | yujinpan.github.io/v-title |
v-window | Make the element a "window"(movable/resizable). | yujinpan.github.io/v-window |
v-scroll-auto | Scroll auto for list. | yujinpan.github.io/v-scroll-auto |
el-popover | el-popover is used internally. | yujinpan.github.io/el-popover |
JS Library
Name | Description |
operation-tree-node | Multiple methods of operating on tree structures. |
vue-component-pluggable | Make Vue component pluggable. |
scripts | Some scripts. |
Frontend Builder
Name | Description |
rollupx | js/ts/vue/scss/less to a library. |
Vue Component Develop Template
Name | Description |
vue3-component-pack | Vue3 component to a library. |
vue-component-pack | Vue2 component to a library. |
Node Utils
Name | Description |
rollup-plugin-mdm | Import markdown module for rollup & vite. |
fs-ops | Operators for node files. |
path-ops | Operators for node path. |
ext-migrator | Complete or remove files extension. |
vite-plugin-ga | Vite Plugin GA. |
vuepress-plugin-component-demo | Vuepress component demo block in markdown. |
vitepress-plugin-component-demo | Vitepress component demo block in markdown. |
vitepress-v2 | Vitepress for vue2. |
release-ops | Project release operators. |
Icon Utils
Name | Description |
vue-awesome-icons | View/Download all svg icons (official website is too slow). |
Tampermonkey Extensions
- restore text select(such as can not copy code in CSDN)
- restore right-click(such as can not select code in CSDN)
- images capture(support background image, useful for UI designer)
- remove [电影天堂] website ads
- remove google ads
- show stock in hq.sinajs.cn
- black and white website
Tool Recommendation
- Just My Socks Stable proxy network provider